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Audio Basic Professional

Purchase this course for $189.99

Creative Language Therapy: Systematic Instruction for Language Delayed Children

5.0 Hours

Course Description

This course offers practical how-to language therapy techniques to implement in your "pull-out" therapy as well as your "push-in" instruction in the classroom or clinic. Learn creative organization methods, fun and effective language activities, and how to make your life easier by using common multi-use materials. The information is designed for preschool and elementary-aged language delayed children.

All courses included for $189 / Year


By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

Describe methods and benefits of how to organize therapy into 'Discrete', 'Naturalistic', and 'Thematic' activities.
Select core language therapy tools; how to use similar materials with both small groups and large groups.
Apply the Paradigm--how we learn and how to facilitate long-term retention in therapy.
Show how to build depth and breadth vocabulary skills, and creative ways to use word walls and word books in your pull-out therapy.
Apply innovative ways to teach idioms, semantic gradients, facilitate improvement in grammar and syntax.
Describe how to improve language skills through narrative language, including using stories, articles, and reader's theatre.

About Presenters

Char Boshart


Char Boshart, MA, CCC-SLP, is a speech-language pathologist, author, seminar presenter, and president and co-founder of Speech Dynamics, Inc. She graduated with her Master’s degree from Western Michigan University under the extraordinary tutelage of Dr. Charles Van Riper, the “father” of articulation therapy during the final years of his illustrious career. Char began her career in the public schools in the early 70’s with a caseload of over 110 children. Since then, she has worked many years in the public schools, developed and ran her own private practice, and, for seven years was an Assistant Professor and Department Chair of the Speech Pathology and Audiology Department at Loma Linda University in southern California. Her interest in creating effective therapy techniques has evolved into the development of several practical articulation publications, videos (articulation and language), and articles.

Additional Information
Intermediate Level
0.50 ASHA CEUs

ASHA CE Provider approval and use of the Brand Block does not imply endorsement of course content, specific products or clinical procedures.

Course Timeline

10 min: Introduction, Agenda, Items in Appendix
45 min: Section I:Organization, Types of Language Activities, Core Therapy Tools
45 min: Section II:The Paradigm: How the Brain Learns; Structuring Therapy
70 min: Section III:Discrete Therapy Activities
50 min: Section IV:Focus on Vocabulary Therapy
80 min: Section V:Naturalistic Therapy: Role Plays, Stories, Articles, Readers Theatre

Course Disclosure

The content of this course is based on the research and experience of the presenter. You are responsible to do your own research to determine if the information and skills taught are appropriate for your clients/students/patients.
Disclosure Statement for Char Boshart
Financial Char Boshart is a speaker for and receive royalty payments. She also owns and operates Speech Dynamics.
Nonfinancial No relevant non-financial relationship exists.

Char Boshart


Included In:
Audio Basic Professional

Purchase this course for $189.99